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Overview of Online Degrees in Substance Abuse Counseling University of Cincinnati

They often counsel individuals or groups to help people understand the factors contributing to addiction. Helping people develop new coping skills and ways of thinking is another important part of what substance abuse counselors do. According to NIDA, it’s important to recognize that group therapy is not the same as 12-step programs like AA or NA. While these programs do take part in a group setting, they are support groups not therapeutic groups.

These grants focus on preventing substance misuse by supporting the development and implementation of substance use prevention and mental health promotion strategies. The report, commissioned by the Illinois General Assembly, also noted that according to the state Department of Human Services, the substance abuse disorder workforce was aging while the number of people entering the profession was decreasing. In addition to providing emotional and psychological support, counselors are trained to help addicts manage their cravings and develop coping strategies to steer them away from bad habits, the certification board said.

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The treatment for dual diagnosis is more extensive because they are treating two conditions at once, so it may be more deliberate than the standard rehab programs. Mental health and substance abuse, or dual diagnosis, are a lethal combination that can be exclusive of one another, as someone with mental health issues are more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol to escape their symptoms. Another potential, but largely unexplored advantage of technology-based, modularized CBT approaches is that they are compatible with evaluation and refinement via the MOST (Multiphase Optimization Strategy) approach of Collins and colleagues (Collins, Murphy, & Stretcher, 2007; Collins et al., 2007; Collins et al., 2014). Briefly, MOST approaches utilize factorial (and fractional factorial) designs to efficiently evaluate individual components of an intervention and their contribution to producing outcome. MOST designs have been successfully implemented in smoking research to refine multicomponent interventions for smoking (Piper et al., 2016; Schlam et al., 2016). The need for well-trained counselors who can diagnose, assess, and treat addiction is greater than ever — for those who’ve never received treatment and for the millions of people who benefit from counseling services every day.

The report showed that 56% of substance abuse disorder professionals certified through the Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association were over 50. In addition, new certifications for CADCs — the most common credential for the field — dropped by a third from 2016 to 2019. After the initial treatment is done, the patient is very likely to go through an outpatient program that will help them to keep up their coping methods while they are out in their lives. These programs will provide a supportive structure and practice accountability for themselves to keep them on track.


Statistics show the availability of substance abuse counselors in Illinois has declined as the opioid crisis has worsened in recent years. The private nature of these sessions allows the patient to address topics that are private in nature and which they may not want to openly discuss in a group setting. It is during individual counseling that patients will receive the one-on-one support that they need to work through their problems and learn how to prevent relapse. Having an addiction is scary enough but when added to a mental health issue, it can become even harder to deal with. Counseling helps to give patients a new and better way of coping with their problems after an assessment of their situation and after treatment, the person will be given an opportunity to continue treatment while they are back in their own lives. Holistic treatments are programs that work to balance the body, spirit, and mind so that the patient can live a peaceful life with new coping methods.

Data from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found that in 2015, more than 15.1 million adults age 18 and up suffered from an alcohol use disorder. A variety of outside resources are available to those recovering from addiction, which can be beneficial when combined with counseling treatment. As a counselor, referring patients to programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous can add another level of outside support.

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